大海捞针: 张益唐与孪生素数猜想 Counting from Infinity: Yitang Zhang and the Twin Prime Conjecture (2015) 导演: George Paul Csicsery 主演: 张益唐 / 陶哲轩 类型: 纪录片 制片国家/地区: 美国 语言: 英语 上映日期: 2015-01-10(美国) 片长: 57分钟 IMDb: tt4363984 豆瓣 9.1分 IMDB 8.4分 这不仅仅是一个数学家的传奇故事它具备了一部起伏跌宕的小说或电影所需要的所有元素张益唐的故事会打败想象力第一流的作家...... 张益唐因在证明孪生素数猜想取得重大突破而一举成名,他的故事引起广泛反响的一个原因是他一直默默无名,没有发表过几篇论文,当时还是讲师,年纪已经50多岁,而数学被认为是年轻人的竞技场。 最新一期的《纽约客》也发表了一篇长文介绍了张益唐与孪生素数,提到了一些细节: 他是因研究代数几何问题雅可比猜想而获得博士学位,但获得博士学位后他告诉导师要转向数论,结果因此没有获得导师的推荐信而无法在学术界找到工作;他之后只能从事一些零碎的工作,加入了一个口号为“自由、民主、法治和多元化”的民运组织,该组织的一名成员是化学家,作为一种筹集资金的手段在肯塔基开设了一家赛百味特许店,因为张益唐擅长数数,所以被邀请当会计,忙的时候张益唐还会去帮忙当收银员;在没有工作的时候,张益唐会在肯塔基大学图书馆浏览代数几何和数论期刊;他的妻子叫Sun Yaling,两人相识的时候她是一家中餐... In April 2013, a lecturer at the University of New Hampshire submitted a paper to the Annals of Mathematics. Within weeks word spread: a little-known mathematician, with no permanent job and working in complete isolation, had made an important breakthrough towards solving the Twin Prime Conjecture. Yitang Zhang's techniques for bounding the gaps between primes soon led to rapid incremental progress by the Polymath Group, and then to a further major innovation by James Maynard. The film is a study of Zhang's rise from obscurity and a disadvantaged youth to mathematical celebrity. The story of quiet perseverance amidst adversity, and Zhang's preference for thinking and working in solitude, is interwoven with a history of the Twin Prime Conjecture as told by several mathematicians, many of whom have wrestled with this enormously challenging problem in Number Theory-Daniel Goldston, Kannan Soundararajan, Andrew Granville, Peter Sarnak, Enrico Bombieri, James Maynard, Nicholas Katz, David Eisenbud, Ken Ribet, and Terry Tao.
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阿里网盘: 大海捞针张益唐与孪生素数猜想 Counting from Infinity Yitang Zhang and the Twin Prime Conjecture.mp4 提取码:回复可见