寻找乳房 尋找乳房 (2018) 导演: 陈芯宜 编剧: 陈芯宜 类型: 纪录片 制片国家/地区: 中国台湾 语言: 汉语普通话 上映日期: 2018-06-03(首尔女性电影节) 片长: 80分钟 又名: Body Talk IMDb: tt13605790 豆瓣 7.8分 IMDB 暂无 这是我的身体吗?我是谁?作为精神与意念的载体,女人的身体,如何在每一个生命片刻间,与外在于自己的一切,拉扯、推挤、碰撞、交融?身体看似追著人心,只是皮囊或工具,但它确实拥有著记忆。累的身体、伤的身体、病的身体、胖的身体、看得见与看不见的身体、孕育生命的身体、衰退老化的身体……,你认真看过自己的身体吗?关于你的事,埋藏在毛髮之间、皮肤肌理的深处、五脏六腑内裡,或者,在那上千万条神经之中。无论你是否已经遗忘,身体都记得。 本片採访近三十位女性,以群像访问内容穿插于片中各个段落,隐性地谈论「生、老、病」的身体与生命历程,透过她们的对话,看见不同的女性身体经验,如同女性间的悄悄话、对话,呈现阴性与流动的调性。 A documentary that speaks about how women experience, endure, and live with their bodies. A diverse group of women talk about their differential experience with the female body as they spiral through childhood, puberty, pregnancy, childbirth, illness, and aging. The film takes these private secrets about taboos, pain, and emotions these female individuals have about their body – which become personal and secret when these bodily experiences are not shared and discussed openly in society – and puts them on the social agenda. The gender roles and systematic standards forced on women’s bodies often result in women hating and being ashamed of their own bodies or desiring non-female bodies. There are emotions evoked due to the women’s internalized outsider view on their physical appearance, as well as emotions associated with the women’s body as the innate female experience of the body are stigmatized. In spite of these negative emotions and associations with their bodies, these women talk about the time they also felt a sense of wonder and beauty through their bodies during their interview.
115网盘: 寻找乳房.Body.Talk.2018.HD1080P.X264.AAC.Mandarin.CHS.mp4 提取码:vip可见
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