爱丁保罗夫爷爷的博物馆奇妙夜 David Attenborough's Natural History Museum Alive (2013) 导演: Daniel M. Smith 主演: David Attenborough 类型: 纪录片 制片国家/地区: 英国 语言: 英语 上映日期: 2014-01-06 片长: 64min 又名: 大卫·爱登堡的博物馆奇妙夜 IMDb链接: tt3438608 老爵士带我们走进大英自然历史博物馆,现代科技复原的远古生物为我们献上了一幕幕生动的表演,渡渡鸟原来是个赝品,真正的模样有是怎样?鱼龙和海豚的速度和灵敏,谁能更胜一筹?巨大的梁龙难道是用鞭子的高手?剑齿虎居然会扶老携幼吗?雪人真的存在吗?始祖鸟背后居然有那么多故事,乳齿象居然是水怪的缩水版本! 英国最受喜爱的主持人大卫·艾登堡将复活他最喜爱的灭绝动物。在这种开创性的电影,大卫先生将通过世界著名的伦敦自然历史博物馆带我们在旅途中探索一个个迷人而魔幻的冒险故事,运用最先进的CGI技术,我们将再一次复活这些曾经统治地球的生物。 这部电影实现了这个国家最受欢迎的自然主义者的终身梦想,他说:“自从我还是个孩子以来,我就经常来到自然历史博物馆。这是了解自然历史的好地方之一。在这部电影中我们有将一些最浪漫和非凡的灭绝生物带回生活,一些是相对较新的动物,如渡渡鸟,其他像恐龙一样年长,有些我们只通过化石证据知道。这部电影利用我们目前的科学知识让这些生物活跃起来,让我看到它们身边出现的问题。“ Britain's best-loved broadcaster brings his favourite extinct creatures back to life in David Attenborough's Natural History Museum Alive. In this ground-breaking film, Sir David takes us on a journey through the world-famous Natural History Museum in London in a captivating tale of discovery, adventure, and magic, where state-of-the-art CGI, science, and research combine to bring the museum's now long-extinct inhabitants to life to discover how these animals once roamed the planet. As the doors are locked and night falls, Attenborough stays behind and meets some of the most fascinating extinct creatures which come alive in front of his eyes; dinosaurs, ice age beasts, and giant reptiles. The film fulfils a lifelong dream of the nation's favourite naturalist, who said: "I have been coming to the Natural History Museum since I was a boy. It's one of the great places to come to learn about natural history. In this film we have the technology to bring back to life some of the most romantic and extraordinary extinct creatures that can be conceived; some are relatively recent animals like the dodo, others older like the dinosaurs, and some we only know through fossil evidence. Using our current scientific knowledge, this film brings these creatures alive, allowing me to look at some of the biggest questions surrounding them."
百度网盘: 爱丁保罗夫爷爷的博物馆奇妙夜-大卫爱登堡的博物馆奇妙夜.Natural.History.Museum.Alive.1080P.中英字幕.flv 提取码:回复可见 大卫爱登堡的博物馆奇妙夜 Natural History Museum Alive.1080P.flv 提取码:回复可见
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