美国历史:长津湖战役 American Experience: The Battle of Chosin (2016) 导演: Randall MacLowry 编剧: Mark Zwonitzer 主演: Michel Murphy 类型: 纪录片 / 历史 / 战争 制片国家/地区: 美国 语言: 英语 上映日期: 2016-11-01(美国) 片长: 113分钟 IMDb链接: tt6186096 1950年感恩节那天,美国领导的联合国部队在朝鲜行军。U、 美国海军陆战队和空军飞行员甚至给前线的飞行员分发节日餐食。人们对圣诞节前每个人都能回家的希望很高。但在那次和平的庆祝活动之后不久,包括道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟将军在内的美国军事领导人,在毛泽东领导的中华人民共和国进入长达5个月的朝鲜战争时,措手不及。海军陆战队第一师的一万两千人,连同几千名陆军士兵,突然发现自己被包围,人数众多,有被歼灭的危险。接下来的两周战斗,在残酷的低温下进行,是海军陆战队历史上最著名的战役之一,并帮助美国在冷战期间及以后的外交政策中确立了方向。结合对20多名战役老兵的采访,乔辛战役通过战斗人员的英雄故事讲述了这场史诗般的冲突。 讲述1950年11月朝鲜战争东线9兵团和陆战一师的战役。 1.美国以败仗的角度描述这一历史事件,即使完整撤出,美国也不得不承认战败。 2.详述两周长战役的经过.重点讲述下碣隅里的战斗,还有著名的搭桥。 3.参战人员讲述自己的经历和感受。 4.这个战役的重大意义.实际改变了美国国策,影响了冷战至今天的世界.重大到如此地步:以前和以后的世界不一样了。 5.两小时的纪录片,相当沉重,对美国人和中国人都是这样。 On Thanksgiving Day 1950, American-led United Nations troops were on the march in North Korea. U.S. Marine and Air Force pilots distributed holiday meals, even to those on the front lines. Hopes were high that everyone would be home by Christmas. But soon after that peaceful celebration, American military leaders, including General Douglas MacArthur, were caught off guard by the entrance of the People's Republic of China, led by Mao Zedong, into the five-month-old Korean War. Twelve thousand men of the First Marine pision, along with a few thousand Army soldiers, suddenly found themselves surrounded, outnumbered and at risk of annihilation at the Chosin Reservoir, high in the mountains of North Korea. The two-week battle that followed, fought in brutally cold temperatures, is one of the most celebrated in Marine Corps annals and helped set the course of American foreign policy in the Cold War and beyond. Incorporating interviews with more than 20 veterans of the campaign,The Battle of Chosin recounts this epic conflict through the heroic stories of the men who fought it.
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